Well, it has been quite awhile since I have posted on this blog so this upcoming week, hopefully expect to see several posts to make up for it.
For this post I will be talking about the Movie 127 Hours, the movie dramatization of Aron Ralston's survival story. I will repeat this once again, this is a blog about movies, if you don't want any spoilers, please go and watch the movie first, though be warned this movie is quite graphic and has some intense language. Thank you God for blessing me with an extremely strong stomach. Back on point, for those of you who do not know, Aron Ralston was a nature enthusiast who spent every moment he wasn't working exploring the wilderness. Well on one of his trips he decided to go to one of his favorite places but didn't actually tell anyone where he was going or how long he was even going to be gone. He even decided to let his mom just go to the answering machine just before leaving. On the first day he was climbing down a new canyon and he slipped and fell bringing a boulder down with him. Unfortunately this boulder just happened to land on his right arm pinning it against side of the canyon. To make this 127 hour story short, after long hours of being dehydrated and hallucinating he decided to cut off his own arm in order to survive. Aron still lives today, only without his right arm and continues to explore the wilderness, but has gotten into the habit of telling people where he is going and how long he plans to be gone.
So in relation to the movie we are going to be using the number 127. You might be wondering about the title so her we go. I will be the first to admit and hopefully not the only one to admit that living life as close to Jesus as possible is really hard and I fall down all the time. Some times it hurts and sometimes its on grass but there is some great news, we can always get back up and try again. This is the gift God has given us when he sacrificed his only son so that our sins may be forgiven. You can fall down 127 times, but with each fall you will get a retry. In the end you will have 1 success, eternal life in Heaven with God.
This isn't to say that you can just simply fall down on purpose and expect to be given another chance. When you get back up and try again you have to mean it. You have to want to live for God in everything you do and you will always be given a second chance, a third chance, a 127th chance. Though Aron was not working on living like Jesus we can take example from his determination to live. He survived 127 hours on 1 liter of water, bugs and a determination to live. He survived almost 6 days straight with his arm stuck yet managed to pull through and live.
We need to have this determination in living our life for God. We need to stop pretending and get out there and do something, its time to stop just going through the motions and actually be the church, be the person God has intended you to be and live for God. The God that has bled more blood than you, the God that has shed more love than you. (This last sentence gets credit from Go Project - A Christian Hip Hop group) If he can do so much for us, why can't we do as much as we can for him?
"No matter how many times you trip them up, God-loyal people don't stay down long; soon they're up on their feet, while the wicked end up flat on their faces." Proverbs 24:16 from The Message
Its time for you, yes you, the one reading this right now to start living truly for God no matter how many times you fall down. No matter how many times someone tries to put you down, you are going to have to just suck it up and get back up. I like being straight up with people and it seems to work. There is nothing more to this. It is up to you to find this determination. Look to Aron who had the determination and will against a large amount of odds, to finally break down and cut off his own arm to succeed. Though this may be for his life, why can't we have this same determination in living for and towards God? I know this is easier said then done, but it has to be done, so get out and do it.
One final word, if you recall I mentioned that Aron let his mom use the answering machine instead of picking up the phone. Well we can't do this. In trying to get back up when we fall we have to make sure that God knows where we are going so he can help us get back up. Like all my previous posts, in living for and towards God we also need help from God. You will never be alone as long as you do not turn your back on God. He will always be there to help you, so the next time he calls just as you are leaving, make sure to answer the phone instead of letting it go to voice mail.
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