Well its time for another session of God at The Movies and this one I think might come as a surprise. For this blog post I will be talking about The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Like I have mentioned before this blog is about what I learn from movies and how I apply them to my relationship with God, If you don't want spoilers I suggest watching the movie first and especially in this case because The Sorcerer's Apprentice was an awesome movie and I would highly suggest watching it.
So to give you a brief overview of the movie, basically a boy named David becomes the predecessor of Merlin the greatest sorcerer to live until that is he was betrayed and killed by Morgana the evil apprentice of Merlin. Long story short David becomes uber powerful and stops Morgana from destroying the Earth, woot woot!
The lesson to be had from this movie dives deeper into the back story of David. Basically he becomes an outcast at school because of an event that happened with Balthazar (Nicholas Cage) the sorcerer who teaches David how to use magic. So growing up in life David was the nerdy kid who no one really wanted to hang out with and thought that he was just going to be alone to do physics for the rest of his life. That is until Balthazar comes back and changes David's life again only this time to David's surprise, for the better. So what I am trying to pull out of this is that God has a plan for all us even when we things are going down hill, or when crazy random happenstance.... happen. It is all God's plan and it will work out for the better.
This leads me to one of my favorite pieces of scripture.
But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’” Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use? Romans 9:20-21
This piece of scripture really helped me with my relationship with God in that I wanted to go all out for God. I see my friends doing all these projects for God, my pastor leading worship and changing peoples lives, and there I was stuck in the back just listening and participating. I wanted to do so much more but it wasn't God's plan for me to do so much more at least not yet. When I came across this verse I knew God was talking directly to me because I had prayed for God to give me something to do that means something but he had. God wanted to use me as a common piece of pottery for now and just in knowing that God is using me at all changed my whole perspective on how I live out my life today. How I take joy in being used by God even if it just a common use.
Yeah I still do want to do more but who am I to talk back to God. God wants me to be apart of my church and spread his word just like every Christian should. I am to be the common piece of pottery until God decides to use me for a special purpose. God has laid out a plan for us all and it is up to us to have faith in that plan and follow it no matter how special or common it is. When you look at the end of the line it will all be worth it to follow his plan no matter what it is when because you get to spend eternal life in heaven with him.
So I guess if you are reading this and you want to pull something out of it, have faith in what God has in store for you and it will turn out for the better. Sure I guarantee there will be times when you question things God has done in your life just like David almost quit and denied being the predecessor of Merlin, but when things got tough, he got back up and continued on the path he had faith in and you know what, it turned out to have a happy ending. Granted this is a movie ending but God does not want to see us fall and live in pain and suffering.
To finish off I do highly suggest watching The Sorcerer's Apprentice even though it could be deemed as a kids movie, overall it was good. I do hope you are enjoying these and please leave a comment letting me know what you think. And thank you for actually taking the time to read these.
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